Monday December 17th
Minutes: Mahdi, Jenny
Reading HW: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Blue - 42, Black - 42
HW: How would you characterize the men of the ward? How does McMurphy's arrival affect the environment of the ward?
Minutes: Mo, Alice
Reading HW: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Blue - 42, Black - 42
HW: Please use 5 post-its to denote quotes of particular interest/themes of machinery or rebellion.
Wednesday December 19th
Minutes: Pablo, Michael A.
Reading HW: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Blue - 69
HW: How does Nurse Ratched run group sessions? What is a pecking party? Please use 5 post-its to denote quotes of particular interest/themes.
Thursday December 20th
Minutes: Camille, Joydeep
Reading HW: N/A
HW: Catch up on 5 post-its assignment if you are behind.
Friday December 21st
Minutes: Christy, Abby
Reading HW: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Blue - 84
HW: Please use 5 post-its to denote quotes of particular interest/themes.
Finish Part One of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for January 3rd, 2012
Over non-denominational winter solstice break:
It is very important to me that you use these days off to spend time with friends and family and catch up on much needed rest. Aside from voluntary extra credit assignments, you have no homework due over break. Thank you for a wonderful first few months of school. Enjoy and I'll see you in 2013.
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