Sunday, October 30, 2011

Work for the week of Oct. 31st - Juniors

Please be aware of the following: You are NOT expected to answer questions in writing, but keep these questions in mind when reading because we will be discussing these questions in class and you will be expected to participate.  Also, you are expected to find the definition of the SAT word for each day.
-Due Monday Oct. 31st, 2011
Outline is due.  5 post-its based upon “Billy Budd” hypertext website.
 SAT Word: Prosaic

-Due Tuesday Nov. 1st, 2011
Green: 291- 313
Orange: 3-24
Please find the definition of ten words in the text as you read.
 SAT Word: Amicable

Questions we will discuss in class:
How is Billy a hero?
What is the significance of the discussion of mutiny?
What kind of character is Captain Vere?
Please find the meaning of these allusions: Bellipotent, "Vere" (it's a French word)

-Due Wednesday Nov. 2nd, 2011 -Link to essay UPDATE - ESSAY IS NOW DUE THURSDAY 11/10
Green: 313-340
Orange: 25-47
Please find the definition of ten words in the text as you read.
SAT Word: Surreptitious

Questions we will discuss in class:
What is the conflict between Billy and Claggart?
How does this story allude to the Bible?  Why?
Trace the battle between "good" and "evil" in this story.

Due Thursday Nov. 3rd, 2011
Orange: 47-72
Green: 340 – 366
Please find the definition of ten words in the text as you read.
SAT Word: Spurious

Questions we will discuss in class:
Please explain the circumstances that lead to Claggart's death.
What claims does Claggart make against Billy in his narrative?
What is the significance of Billy telling his defense narrative?  Consider the the alternate title of this story, the first sentence of this story, and Claggart's narrative.
What is the conflict that Vere and his peers suffer through?

Due Friday Nov. 4th, 2011
Orange: 72-89
Green: 366-385
Please find the definition of ten words in the text as you read.
SAT Word: Tenacious

Questions we will discuss in class:
How does Billy except the terms of his execution?
Discuss the significance of Billy's interactions with the ship's cleric.
Please review the Biblical story of Abraham and Isaac.
What do you make of Billy's final words?
What religious figure is alluded to in the final scenes of Billy's life?
What is the significance of presenting Billy's story in a naval publication and in a poetic ballad?

Due Monday Nov. 7th, 2011
Peer review.  Those of us who are having our papers reviewed, please email your work to Mr. Ferencz by 11:59 P.M. Sunday night.
SAT Word: Perfidious


  1. Hm, the essay link seems broken.

  2. essay link works. tried it on a few school computers.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I guess the stuy site was just hiccuping when I tried it.
