Monday, October 17, 2011

Juniors - Work for the Week of Oct. 17th

You must answer these questions and present your work to receive homework credit.

Remember, if you are reading and you aren't taking notes, you aren't really reading.

Week of Oct 17th,  - 21st

Period 2,7 – Bartleby (Mon.-Tues.) Benito Cereno (Wed.-Fri.)
Due Monday Oct 17th, 2011 –
Please create 20 post-its in your book on the answer's corresponding page.
10 quotes that refer to Bartleby as a ghost or pallid or not human or insane
5 quotes showing how the lawyer's utter fascination with Bartleby
5 quotes showing how the lawyer treats his workers.

Due Tuesday Oct 18th, 2011 –
Read “Race, Class and Herman Melville” PDF available online -  pages 31 (36) – 50 (55)
You are responsible for determining the author’s main point in writing.  Please print up 5 pages of the document that you find worthy of discussion.  Connect the various explanations of Bartleby to your post-its.

Due Wednesday Oct 19th, 2011 -
Please research 3 of the following 5 pacifists.  Write a five sentence description of each in your own words, showing how this figure was a pacifist. 
-Thich Quang Duc
- The play Lysistrata
-Jan Rose Kasmir
-Tank Man
-Mahatma Gandhi

Due Thursday Oct 20th, 2011 –
Read the first 15 pages of Benito Cereno
Please create 5 post-its in your book on the answer's corresponding page.
Focus upon the following topics:
- Please find an example of foreshadowing through setting.
-What is off or odd about this “strange” ship at the outset of our story?
-Trace examples of discomfort.
-What is our narrator’s tone?

Due Friday October 20th, 2011 –
Read the next 15 pages of Benito Cereno
Please create 5 post-its in your book on the answer's corresponding page.
Focus upon the following topics:
-How does Melville present race in this story?
-Describe the Spanish captain and his assistant.
-What has happened to the San Dominick?
-What type of narrator is presented in this story (1st?  2nd?  3rd?)

Period 10 – Benito Cereno, Bartleby the Scrivner
Due Monday Oct 17th, 2011 –
Finish Benito Cereno
Please create 20 post-its in your book on the answer's corresponding page.
Focus upon the following topics:
-Find examples of Delano being trustworthy
-Find examples of interactions between white and black characters
-Find examples of scenes that show color, particularly white, black, and gray

Due Tuesday Oct 18th, 2011 –
Please consider the question from today's class: Does this story serve as a thesis or antithesis for slavery? 

Extra Credit:
Read “Race, Class and Herman Melville” PDF available online -  pages 54(59) – 68 (96)
You are responsible for determining the author’s main point in writing.  Please print up 5 pages of the document that you find worthy of discussion.

Due Wednesday Oct 19th, 2011
Finish "Benito Cereno"

Extra Credit:
Read “Race, Class and Herman Melville” PDF available online -  pages 54(59) – 68 (96)
Connect our reading of Melville's story to any particular points of interest within this piece of literary criticism.  Post your thoughts as a comment on this post.  Try to comment on the ideas of those who have posted before you.
Due Thursday Oct 20th, 2011 –
Read the first 25 pages of Bartleby
Please create 5 post-its in your book on the answer's corresponding page.
Focus upon the following topics: 
-How would you characterize the narrator?
-Find examples of repetition.
-How would you characterize Nippers, Turkey, and Ginger Nut as workers?
-How does the narrator first react to Bartleby’s catch phrase?

Due Friday October 21st, 2011–
Finish the story of Bartleby
Please create 5 post-its in your book on the answer's corresponding page.
Focus upon the following topics:
-Please provide 3 examples in which Bartleby exclaims “I would prefer not to” and the significance of the incident in which these words are stated.
-Please provide 2 examples that shed some light on Bartleby’s background.  Who is he?  Where does he come from?  What has he achieved in his lifetime?


  1. Haha. Its Daniel. Im not a Junior but i still think that cartoon if funny.

  2. In Chapter 2, De Santis analyzes Melville's stance on slavery and purpose for writing Benito Cereno while connecting the story to slave literature of the 1800s.
    This is how I interpret "determine the author's main point in writing," but I have a feeling you mean something else.
    I'm not really sure what you mean by "Pick a particular theme explaining our story and find 5 examples in the text to prove this point" either, as (after a cursory examination) De Santes seems to offer extensive textual support from a wide variety of sources for every theme explanation he brings up.
    I guess it makes sense if you're asking for us to make up our own explanations and find textual support (presumably from De Sante's paper, not the story). But I'm still unclear.

  3. Mohammed (Period 10)
    So yeah after reading Chapter II of this PDF a lot of things were elaborated on for me. For one thing I messed up by reading this PDF before finishing the book, so a lot of things were prematurely answered for me. But one thing that I found very interesting about this passage was how the author discusses how the American Captain views the Negros. He shows just how much the American looks down on them and how primitive he thinks they are, he uses various quotes from the book like, "A black is not smart enough," or other variations of the sort. I thought this was very effective in this argument and found it to be the highlighted aspect of the essay.

    Another thing I want to state before I conclude is that you told us to print 5 pages and I located 5 pages that I wanted to print but for some reason it will not print. I tried on three different computers so is it because it is a PDF that is does not print? And that is all, Mohammed out.

  4. I managed to print it; try using different browsers instead of different computers.

  5. I don't know I did that too, but Mr. Ferencz told me not to worry about the printing. Thanks for the suggestion though.

  6. In Chapter Two, the story of Benito Cereno is analyzed by someone who is writing after reading the whole story. This allows the author to have an in depth interpretation of everything that happened. I found it interesting that many of the things that sparked my doubt about Benito Cereno's control of the ship were mentioned in this analysis. Babo's constant attendance and interrupting of Benito Cereno were both mentioned in the chapter as things that seemed strange. What I found really interesting is that with the knowledge of how the story ends, many things from the very beginning of the story can be seen as obvious indications of Babo's control. If the story was reread, then every action that each character makes can be interpreted in a whole new light.
