Monday February 29th
Minutes: Andrew, Christian
Reading HW: N/A
HW: Paper due.
Tuesday March 1st
Minutes: Kimberly, Madison
Reading HW: Please read this PDF (pdf pg. 10 - 32) and two state profiles.
HW: What are the characteristics of pro-choice and anti-choice measures? Compare a highly graded state to a poorly graded state.
Wednesday March 2nd
Minutes: No minutes - PSAT day
Reading HW:
Thursday March 3rd
Minutes: Connor, Brandon
Reading HW: Read this NY Times article and review what is currently occurring in these three states: Texas Lousiana Ohio
Friday March 4th
Minutes: David, Elias
Reading HW: Begin reading The Handmaid's Tale up to page 33.
HW: What is different about this world? What is the society that Atwood has created? Please find correlating quotations in the text to support your argument.
Monday March 7th
Minutes: Talia G., Saima
Reading HW: Read The Handmaid's Tale up to page 66.
HW: Define freedom in the United States. Define freedom in Gilead. What is the difference between freedom to and freedom from? Please find correlating quotations in the text to support your argument.