Here are this week's lessons.
The Moth - Frozen Fear
Undiagnosed Male Eating Disorders - NPR
"The Ones Who Walk Away From The Omelas" - Ursula Leguin
"Enough with the Fear of Fat" - TED Talk
This American Life - Name Change - The Procedure
Raymond Carver - The Scratch
This American Life - Fear of Sleep - Stranger in the Night
This American Life - My Way - Radical Honesty
Stephen Dobyns - Grief
This American Life - Stories of Loss - Ashes
Monday July 29th
Reading HW (SD2, SD3): Born Round 62-100
Reading HW (SD1, SD4): The Kite Runner 48-79
Tuesday July 30th
Reading HW (SD2, SD3): Born Round 101-132
Reading HW (SD1, SD4): The Kite Runner 80-109
Wednesday July 31st
Reading HW (SD2, SD3): Born Round 133-176
Reading HW (SD1, SD4): The Kite Runner 110-142
Thursday August 1st
Reading HW (SD2, SD3): Born Round 177-215
Reading HW (SD1, SD4): The Kite Runner 143-189
Monday August 5th
Reading HW (SD2, SD3): Born Round 216-245
Reading HW (SD1, SD4): The Kite Runner 190-223