Friday, February 15, 2019

Work for the Week of February 25th - Seniors

Artist of the Week:  Maryam Ashkanian

Monday February 25th
Reading HW:
HW: Please research the 1979 Iranian Revolution and its effect upon Iranian women.

Tuesday February 26th
Reading HW: Begin reading The Handmaid's Tale I, II (Ch. 1-6)
HW: What is different about this world?  What is the society that Atwood has created?  Please find correlating quotations in the text to support your argument.

Wednesday February 27th
Reading HW: Read The Handmaid's Tale III, IV (7-12)
HW: Define freedom in the United States.  Define freedom in Gilead.  What is the difference between freedom to and freedom from?  Please find correlating quotations in the text to support your argument.  Be sure to consider our discussions about street harassment and the usage of the veil after the Iranian Revolution of 1979.

Thursday February 28th
Reading HW: Handmaid's Tale V, VI, VII (Ch. 13-18)

Friday March 1st
Reading HW: Sexual Danger packet.*  Trigger warning - Sexual assault
HW: When reading a packet for our class, you are expected to write some of your reactions to particular pieces within the text as well as some questions you have in response to the material.  Take notes.  Be an active reader.

Monday March 4th
Reading HW: Handmaid's Tale VIII (Ch. 14-23)

Work for the Week of February 25th - Juniors

Monday February 25th
Reading HW:

Course Code: 20385012
Password: Boogie

Tuesday February 26th
Reading HW: The Great Gatsby Ch.1

Wednesday February 27th
Reading HW: The Great Gatsby Ch.2
HW: Paper due.

Thursday February 28th
Reading HW: The Great Gatsby Ch.3

Friday March 1st
Reading HW: The Great Gatsby Ch.4

Monday March 4th
Reading HW: The Great Gatsby Ch.5

Work for the Week of February 25th - Freshmen

Monday February 25th
Reading HW: Don't forget our ten tips for reading Shakespeare.
HW: Please watch the following summary of Julius Caesar.

Tuesday February 26th
Reading HW: I.i-I.ii (The capitalized letters are the act. The lower case letters are the scene). This means for homework you need to read Act 1 Scenes 1 and 2).
HW: Please research the following terms for tomorrow: Pompey, Feast of Lupercal, Colossus of Rhodes, Falling sickness

Here is a link to "No Fear Shakespeare".  Please read ONLY AFTER you've read the original text.

Wednesday February 27th
Reading HW: I.iii - II.i

Thursday February 28th
Reading HW: II.ii-II.iv

Friday March 1st
Reading HW: III.i

Monday March 4th
Reading HW: III.ii-iii

Friday, February 8, 2019

Work for the Week of February 11th - Seniors

Artist of the Week: Courtney Brown

Monday February 11th
Reading HW:
HW: Submit 3 advertisements from current magazines (can be images you find online): one empowering for women, one disempowering for women, and one with a man and woman in it together.

Tuesday February 12th
Reading HW: N/A
HW: Work on your paper!

Wednesday February 13th
Reading HW:
HW: Draft Day - Film Analysis

Thursday February 14th
Reading HW: "I Was Groped on the Subway".

HW: What is "rape culture"?  How is rape culture influence by media socialization of gender?

Friday February 15th
Reading HW: Please visit "It's On Us"

HW: Please research a college of interest or the college where you will matriculate in the fall.  What is the school's sexual assault policy?  Is it easy to find?  Is the information easy to understand?  Who is the school's Title IX counselor?

ALSO, paper due!



MID-WINTER BREAK - Mon. Feb 18, 2019-Sun. Feb 24, 2019

Monday February 25th
Reading HW:
HW: Please research the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and its effect on women.

Work for the Week of February 11th - Juniors

Monday February 11th
Reading HW: 99-121

Tuesday February 12th - COLLEGE MEETING DAY
Reading HW: 
HW: Print and complete this questionnaire.

Wednesday February 13th
Reading HW: Finish the book.
HW: Begin your latest assignment!

Thursday February 14th
Reading HW: Eudora Welty's "Death of a Travelling Salesman"

Friday February 15th
Reading HW: 
HW: Draft Day

MID-WINTER BREAK - Mon. Feb 18, 2019-Sun. Feb 24, 2019

Monday February 25th
Reading HW:
HW: Eulogy assignment due.


Work for the Week of February 11th - Freshmen

Monday February 11th
Reading HW:
HW: Continue to work on your draft.

Here's a copy of the outline we've been using.

Tuesday February 12th
Reading HW:
HW: Draft Day.

Wednesday February 13th
Reading HW: Shape poetry - "The Sky Was", "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-g-r"
Thursday February 14th
Reading HW:
HW: Draft Day - Proofreading.

Friday February 15th
Reading HW:
HW: Paper due Feb. 18th by 3 P.M.

MID-WINTER BREAK - Mon. Feb 18, 2019-Sun. Feb 24, 2019

Monday February 25th
Reading HW:

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Work for the Week of February 4th - Seniors

Artist of the Week: Juliette Clovis

Monday February 4th
Reading HW:
HW: Please visit a toy store.  How are boys and girls marketed to?

Tuesday February 5th -LUNAR NEW YEAR - NO SCHOOL

Wednesday February 6th
Reading HW: Watch the Bechdel Test.
HW: Name ten movies that you love.  After watching the video, determine if these videos pass the Bechdel test.  Consider the implications of the Bechdel Test and how such consumption of media can affect our perceptions of gender.  Here's the list.

Thursday February 7th
Reading HW:"Online Harassment" listen to the podcast.

Friday February 8th
Reading HW:
HW: We'll watch parts of this video in class.

Monday February 11th
Reading HW:
HW: Submit 3 advertisements from current magazines (can be images you find online): one empowering for women, one disempowering for women, and one with a man and woman in it together.

Work for the Week of February 4th - Juniors

Monday February 4th
Reading HW: DoaS 36-53

Tuesday February 5th -LUNAR NEW YEAR - NO SCHOOL

Wednesday February 6th
Reading HW: DoaS Finish Act I (69)

Thursday February 7th
Reading HW: N/A

Friday February 8th
Reading HW: DoaS  71-98

Monday February 11th
Reading HW: DoaS 99-121

Work for the Week of February 4th - Freshmen

Monday February 4th
Reading HW: N/A

Tuesday February 5th -LUNAR NEW YEAR - NO SCHOOL

Wednesday February 6th
Reading HW:
HW: Select one of the following three poems for your next assignment: Shoulders by Naomi Shihab Nye, Tuesday 9:00 AM by Denver Butson, The Echoing Green by William BlakeUtilize this worksheet from class and develop a thesis statement.

Just do one.  I added the extra in case you wanted to delve into another poem and see which one served you best.

Thursday February 7th
Reading HW:
HW: Is rap poetry?

Friday February 8th
Reading HW:
HW: Please complete this worksheet for today.

Monday February 11th
Reading HW:
HW: Work on your paper.