Monday November 2nd
Minutes: Sam, Shankha
Reading HW: Please read "The Angel in the House" by Coventry Patmore
Tuesday November 3rd - ELECTION DAY - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday November 4th
Minutes: Evonne, Ho Yin
Reading HW: A Room of One's Own Ch. 3
HW: Why wasn't Judith Shakespeare as successful as her brother?
Thursday November 5th
Minutes: Stephanie, Abe
Reading HW: Chapter 1 + 2 of Friedan's Feminine Mystique
Friday November 6th
Minutes: Soren, Samantha
Reading HW: Chapter 3 of Friedan's Feminine Mystique
Monday November 9th
Minutes: Felicity, Sam
Reading HW: Read the first three chapters of The Bell Jar